Since dollar #1, we've committed 10% of all pre-tax profit to charities and community needs.

As a home service in both NYC & Raleigh-Durham, we care about supporting work to end homelessness in the cities we work in. We also believe that investing in global needs helps us keep a grateful and humble perspective on the privilege we hold as Americans, and honors our responsibility to give back.

Check out some of the charities we support:


We offer a 20% discount for nonprofits, and donate 15+ hours of organizing services to schools, nonprofits or families in crisis every year.

We provide the following complimentary recycling drop-off services to all clients after their sessions, to reduce the environmental impact of decluttering:

Plastic film
(plastic bags, dry cleaner bags, bubble wrap, etc) – recycled at Publix

Wire hangers – reused / recycled at A Cleaner World

Electronics (cords, small electronic appliances, rechargeable batteries, etc) – recycled at Best Buy

Organic waste (expired food, soiled paper products, wrapping tissue paper, etc) – composted